Musicians are known for their creativity and ability to express themselves. If you are designing packaging for music lovers, it is essential to amplify the experience.
To start off, like any packaging you need to choose a design that appeals to your audience, whether it is niche or covers several different groups. For example, Jübl chose black textured boxes for their LP with gold embossing. The classy appearance suits a collector’s edition LP and has a simplicity like their dreampop music.
Whereas, Bolt Thrower’s Eternal War LP box suits the death metal band to a T, mirroring the chaos associated with grindcore music. This too is a collector’s edition; the illustrations are recognisable of their previous discography. Both boxes have little text, presumably as the consumer will already have knowledge of the bands before purchasing.

Evans Drumheads are a universal brand, selling drum-related technology and products. Their aim is to educate and inspire musicians. It’s no surprise they use their well-known brand colours for their packaging. The colours are unisex and appeal to a wide range of musicians.
The inside of the Evans Drumhead box is text heavy with illustrations explaining the Evans Sound Icon System. This demonstrates the instructions in a fun and visual way. Printing instructions on the box can reduce the materials needed, which can be both economically and environmentally friendly.

Tube boxes are a popular choice for musical items – like this D’addario box for headphones. This could be because the packaging has an interactive element, making a popping sound during the unboxing process.

One of the creative ways we have seen music used within packaging is adding a Spotify scannable bar. When the consumer scans the bar on their phone, it will take them to a specific Spotify song or album – that way your client can interact with your packaging in a memorable way!

If you have any questions regarding packaging for music products, drop us an email. We have also worked with a range of other industries – you can find some examples of our work here!
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