First impressions last – you only get one with your customers and packaging plays a large part in that. With just a little planning, your unboxing process can make your customers feel like a kid on their birthday.
Branded packaging can support your business, demonstrate what you believe in and provoke the vibes you desire. But beauty is more than skin deep, so why not think INSIDE the box, think about how your design works throughout each stage of the unboxing process.
Copy inside the box.
There are a few ways to utilise the inside of your box and one is to add text:
You may want to add instructions for your product, like this Evans Drumhead’s box, which has an added benefit that the box will be used as storage to help the consumer keep everything in one place.

Printing copy inside the box can reflect eco-friendly views by reducing wastage. For example, many products come with a little ‘thank you’ note or leaflets, yet Merwave decided to print their note directly on the box instead of using extra paper and packaging.

You may also want to encourage customers to follow your social media accounts. We recently created this box for The Whisky Lounge. Printed inside is the company’s usernames, which also works with product specific hashtags, geotags and encourages the customer to engage.

Patterns inside the box.
Brands spend so much time designing patterns for their boxes, so why not carry this onto the interior? It’s a simple way to jazz up your packaging. Here are a couple of examples of how patterns on the interior add to your aesthetic:
Gaming company Outriders created a textured purple design for their branding. The matte design is complimented by a glossy logo on the front. When you open the box, you can see how the purple design is carried through, adding a professional finish to the product.

This box we designed for Thomas Clipper cologne samples was a bit different – instead of printing a pattern on the outside, the box featured one on the inside. The simplistic logo on the front looks chic however the design on the inside is a contemporary surprise.

A combination of both…
We must admit our favourite example of printing inside the box comes from Vagabond Wine, who had been using unbranded boxes with tissue paper for months. Their wine samples were often becoming damaged in transit and they had not yet realised they were missing out on advertising via their packaging.

The box we created for them included a paint splattered pattern, which transferred from the outside of the box onto a removable card inside. This card featured the company’s mission statement and a geotag to their website.
Once you removed the card, there was a corrugated cardboard insert holding the mini glass bottle samples in place with a label printed for each. You can tell every part of this design has been well thought out with the customer in mind!
A joyful unboxing experience is a way to encourage repeat business from your customers, and something as simple as printing on the inside of a box can help this, so if you’re convinced that it’s time to revamp your packaging goals, contact the Packaging Works team with any questions or ideas.
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